Nichols Bros. Stoneworks

Nakoma 36in and Nakomis Sculptures 54in

$1,086.00 - $1,623.00
$1,086.00 - $1,623.00

This item will ship via an LTL Carrier and is non-returnable

Fabrication begins upon order - allow 4 to 5 weeks for fabrication plus 1 week transit
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    The Native American sculptural figures Nakoma and Nakomis were originally designed as 16' and 18' statuary by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Nakoma Country Club, a building inspired by the ceremonial campgrounds of the Winnebago Tribe. The "Nakoma" and "Nakomis" were designed to stand together. Wright's original commission was to be built in Wisconsin, but it was never realized until the clubhouse was recently constructed by Taliesin Architects. Crafted in dry cast sandstone.

    The Nakoma sculpture is a curvilinear design, symbolic of the earth and Mother Nature as well as domestic virtue. her back is a continuous circle, with a round head and she holds a round bowl. Nakoma also carries a papoose and has a child at her side.

    • 36" tall - weight 240 lbs. - 9” front to back, 8” wide

    The Native American warrior, Nakomis, is a rectilinear design - proud, angular and striking. With a commanding, fatherly presence he teaches his son to shoot with a bow and arrow.

    • 54" tall - weight 380 lbs. - 19” front to back, 14” wide

    Since 1977, Nichols Bros. Stoneworks has been the exclusive licensed manufacturer of Frank Lloyd Wright reproduction vases as well as select sculptures. The cast stone Frank Lloyd Wright reproductions are hand formed in molds of historical exactitude, combining centuries old dry casting methods and state of the art technology and additives to improve strength. Each piece is assigned a numbered Frank Lloyd Wright signature plaque to distinguish its place in the Frank Lloyd Wright stoneware collection.

    The Frank Lloyd Wright Collection of products is authorized by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona. A portion of the sales of these products supports the conservation and education programs of the Foundation. For further information see Frank Lloyd Wright

    Warranty Information

    Limited Guarantee Against Product Failure Due to Freeze/Thaw

    Nichols Bros. Containers are made of materials and through a process which allows for them to accept virtually unlimited number of cycles of freezing and thawing, whether planted or empty. For that reason,
    Nichols Bros. Stoneworks guarantees our containers from failure due to freezing and thawing for a period of ten (10) years from date of delivery to our customer.

    Limitations & Protection Against Abuse of Guarantee:

    We do not guarantee our containers from failure due to other actions which might befall the products, such as being struck, dropped or otherwise abused.

    Nichols Bros. Stoneworks reserves the right to request the return, for inspection and analysis, to the Snohomish, WA location, any product for which freeze – thaw failure is claimed, with the return packing and shipping costs incurred being borne at least initially by the claimant.

    Whether or not the product is returned, any claim must be made in writing and include a full description of the location of the container, when it was most recently moved to the location where failure was first noted, its contents immediately prior to its failure upon its environment and possible cause of its failure.

    Upon their review of the written claim and/or the product itself, and based upon their experience and results of any outside scientific analysis they choose to employ, if, in the sole judgment of Nichols Bros. Stoneworks the container is determined to have failed due to a freeze-thaw process, Nichols Bros. will ship to the claimant a new, replacement container of the same size and design, at Nichols Bros. Cost, and at the same time refund the costs incurred by the claimant to have had the failed product packed and shipped to Nichols Bros.

    If, on the other hand, in Nichols Bros.’ sole judgment the product failure is determined to have been caused by something other than freeze-thaw, Nichols Bros. will not be required to replace the container or to reimburse for the packing and shipping of the container for their inspection. Further, Nichols Bros. may, at its option, charge back any out-of-pocket costs incurred by them to have determined the cause of the failure, those costs do not exceed the initial price paid by the claimant for that container.