
New Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques - AHS

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    The American Horticultural Society's New Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques uses easy to follow step-by-step color illustrations to clearly explain the key skills and concepts that every gardener needs to be successful no matter where in North America you live.

    Edited by David J. Ellis, Fiona Gilsenan, Rita Pelczar, and Graham Rice 
    Mitchell Beazley/Octopus Books USA; November 2009

    Using more than 2,000 easy-to-follow, step-by-step color illustrations and 200 full-color photographs, this encyclopedia clearly outlines the key skills and concepts that every gardener needs to be successful, no matter where in North America they live. From vegetable and herb gardens and glorious flower beds to wildlife, greenhouse, and container gardening, this book shows gardeners at all levels how to accomplish their goal using earth-friendly techniques in great detail. Discover how to plant, prune, propagate, and nurture plants of all kinds, from fruits and vegetables to annuals, bulbs, ornamental grasses, shrubs, trees, and vines. Mixing equal parts inspiration and information, this book is the perfect guide to creating a beautiful and successful gardenand having fun at the same time.

    The encyclopedia leads off with gardening basics, such as selecting the best garden tools and equipment, digging techniques, a primer on soil, mulching and composting, pest problems, and weed control. From there the book explores numerous topics such as choosing the right plants for various types of gardens, alternatives to lawns, landscaping, the technology and design of water gardens, garden lighting, organic gardening, everyday garden maintenance, and ways to extend your gardening season.

    Hardcover - 480 pages 
    Dimensions: 8-3/4" x 11-1/2"