Nestled in the picturesque countryside of England lies Knebworth House. A fine example of Tudor Gothic Style, the architecture is both opulent and impressive. Made in its image, Knebworth Grand Set Wrought Iron Railing is striking in its appearance. With a combination of curves and angles, this wrought iron railing brings elegance and sophistication to any garden it graces. The circular opening in the middle panel is certainly its feature point and gives a superb view of the garden behind. This fence is ideal for installation above a low wall, or simply integrated with a hedge. If you love luxury then look no further. With this wrought iron railing, we’ve got your every need covered.
- Height 7' 7" / 230 cm
- Width 11' 3" / 344 cm
- Depth 3" / 8 cm
- Weight 243 lbs / 110 kg
What is included: 3 pieces of trellis / 2 large poles / 2 small poles / spikes / fitting set